How to Create a Coaching Package that Sells (2024)

Why coaches should create coaching packages

No matter what type of coach you are, your primary objective is one and the same: Finding and serving coaching clients!

And in order to find coaching clients, you need to have something to offer them. That’s where creating coaching packages comes in.

Creating a compelling coaching package can help you attract clients more quickly and easily than offering single sessions.

But not all packages are created equal. So let’s first talk about some mistakes coaches make when creating coaching packages.

Mistakes coaches make when create coaching packages

Many coach training programs don’t spend much time on the business side of starting a coaching practice. Coaches often come out of coach school doing one of two things:

Mistake #1: Offering single sessions.

Many coaches offer single sessions and let the client decide if they want to return. They often take this approach because they want it to be in the client’s hands whether they move forward or not. (It’s a principled idea, in theory!) But in reality, this isn’t an ideal situation for the coach or the client.

Offering single sessions puts the onus on clients to figure out whether or not they’re “done” with coaching.

This can slow their progress altogether.

Whereas a coaching package, when it’s structured around your ideal clients, can build safety, trust, and confidence with your client, helping them to commit to their own progress over a certain period of time.

Mistake #2: Creating a package because that’s the “industry standard.”

Setting up a a coaching package based on free templates you find online or copying what you think is the industry standard doesn’t do you — or your clients — any favors!

Instead of creating a coaching package based on what you’ve seen other coaches do, your packages should reflect YOUR expertise and the type of results your ideal clients want to see.

When creating a coaching package, the goal is to create a specific, compelling offering based on a specific type of client who wants to achieve a specific type of result.

Also consider what’s more compelling from a client perspective: Signing up for a “3 month package” versus a package called “Rehaul your diet and nutrition in 3 months.” A good package focuses on — and delivers — specific results.

Why neither of those approaches works

Neither of these are great ways to serve your best clients or build your coaching practice.

  • Single sessions aren’t sustainable, can’t help you plan for your income or client load, and might not offer the full support your clients need.
  • Random packages aren’t successful because they don’t speak to the end result or benefit that your ideal clients can experience.

When it comes to creating coaching packages, remember: Your clients aren’t looking to buy a package or session at all. They are looking to buy the transformation they can achieve through coaching.

So what’s the solution? Creating coaching packages based on the transformation that your ideal clients want to experience.

How to Create a Coaching Package that Sells (1)

How creating a coaching package benefits you

Creating coaching packages is a more efficient and effective way for you to run your business. Here’s why:

1. A coaching package helps you package up your expertise.

Creating a coaching package is a great opportunity to hone in on exactly how you want to help your clients, specific to your skills and expertise. This ensures you not only love what you’re coaching on, but that you’re good at it! Offering packages is also a great way to get known as a coach and build your personal brand.

2. A coaching package allows you to build a sustainable business.

The “charge by the hour” mentality kills so many service-providers because it’s not sustainable. When you create coaching packages, you clarify how many clients you can take on at any given time and you can manage your time accordingly. Offering packages also helps you to forecast your revenue, so you can see when you need to focus on attracting new clients vs. focus on serving your existing clients.

3. A coaching package helps you attract clients who aren’t just tire-kickers.

Tire-kickers are attracted to one-off sessions, because they don’t want to (and don’t have to) commit. But you want to attract people who are willing to make a commitment to their growth. When a client commits to working with you for a longer period of time, that’s when the biggest breakthroughs happen. If you want to see your clients experience real, sustainable results, you’ll want to offer packages that help facilitate that transformation.

4. A coaching package is easier to market and sell.

It’s actually easier to market and sell a coaching package that has a specific time frame, investment, and result. Because, as we discussed, you are selling the result or the transformation, not just the session.

But offering coaching packages doesn’t just benefit you, it also benefits your clients. Let’s talk more about that.

How selling coaching packages benefits your clients

1. Coaching packages help clients experience a deeper, lasting transformation.

Creating a longer term container helps you go deeper with a client, which means they experience a deeper transformation and more lasting results. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but you can create a package that supports your client in achieving and sustaining that change with built-in accountability over time.

2. A coaching package offers more value to a coaching client.

A coaching package offers so much more value than single sessions do, because you can add all types of support into your packages. For example, you can include email or Voxer coaching, access to a resource library, access to bonus training, or even check-in emails and calls. This helps your client get the most out of the coaching experience.

3. You eliminate decision fatigue in the mind of your clients.

If you only offer single sessions, after every session your client has to decide: Do I want to do this again? When do I want to do this? This creates decision fatigue and it’s something we all have too much of! By creating a package, your client consents to entering a coaching container with you and don’t have to worry about whether or not they’ll book another coaching session.

4. Coaching packages help your clients get tangible results in a specific timeframe.

Unlike therapy, where it can feel like it goes on forever with no specific ending, a coaching package gives your client a firm start and end date, and offers them the opportunity to get specific results in a specific time frame. And keep in mind, specific results aren’t just things like “losing 10 pounds” or “finding their dream job.” It also include things like greater satisfaction in their relationship, clarity in what they want in their next role, or more confidence. These are all results!

Coaching Package Examples

To illustrate that the best coaching packages are not one-size-fits all, I’m sharing some examples of coaching packages here.

(Disclaimer: These are past clients of mine!)

Even though all of these coaches are life coaches, their packages look totally different. That’s because they have different niches with different needs.

Example Life Coaching Package #1:

Example #1: Emily Cornell, courage and authenticity coach for Millennial and Gen X women.

Example Life Coaching Package #2:

Example #2: Lori Foster, life and relationship coach for women.

Example Life Coaching Package #3:

Example #3: Sabrina Vogler, mindfulness coach for sensitive, badass women.

Example Life Coaching Package #4:

Example #4: Gia Lacqua, coach for highly successful women who are seeking more freedom and fulfillment.

Example Life Coaching Package #5:

Example #5: Carolyn Brouillard, coach and healer for change seekers.

The most common question about coaching packages

One of the main questions I hear from coaches about creating packages is: “What if I don’t know how long it takes?!”

How long someone takes to achieve a specific result is highly dependent on your client’s time, efforts, energy level, willingness and a whole lot of eternal factors (i.e., whatever else happens in their world or the world at large!)

The key when creating your coaching package is to hone in on a very specific type of client with a very specific need (i.e., your niche), and map out a process and general timeframe that would work for the average client.

You can (and should) still rely on your own expertise as a coach to decide what would benefit a client at any given time. However, by creating a coaching package, you are creating a structure that allows you and your client to experience success within that time frame.

How to Create a Coaching Package that Sells (2)

5 steps to create your coaching package

So you’re ready to create a coaching package — great! How do you go about it doing it? Follow these 5 steps to create your coaching package.

Step 1: Understand your expertise.

Get clear on your own strengths, expertise, and how you want to serve. There are a lot of things you *can* do, but focus on what you really want to do! This is where brainstorming, mindmapping, and tapping into your intuition can be super powerful!

Step 2: Get to know your ideal clients.

Get to know your ideal clients and what they really want and need. You want to really understand those you want to serve, and listen to how they talk about their challenges and their desires. This is where market research can help you get the information you need to proceed!

Step 3: Outline your offering.

Create an outline of your offering based on what you’ve learned from your market research interviews. You’ll want to consider both how you want to serve & what they need, and develop an offering with that purpose in mind. You’ll want to think through the features and benefits of the package, as well as timing and pricing.

Step 4: Get feedback.

After you’ve developed your outline, you’ll want to get some feedback from your market research interviewees or other ideal clients, either by sharing your outline of the offering or even allowing them to beta test it. Be sure you capture their feedback!

Step 5: Polish and publish your package.

Once you’ve gotten feedback and made adjustments as needed, it’s time to polish your package, get it up on your website with a sales page, and start marketing it. This will entail polishing your messaging and developing a marketing plan to share your new offering.

What to do after you’ve created a coaching package

Creating a compelling coaching package is an art and science in and of itself. You have to do the research to really understand your ideal client. You have to know how to package up your expertise in a way that fits their needs. And you need to know how to price it correctly.

Once that part is complete, you’ll need to focus on marketing and selling your coaching packages. Because if people don’t know you exist, they won’t be able to find you!

But first, you want to make sure your offer is on point because no amount of marketing can make up for a less than stellar offer.

How to Create a Coaching Package that Sells (2024)


How to Create a Coaching Package that Sells? ›

How do you create a coaching package? The best way to structure your coaching package is to offer monthly, biweekly, or weekly calls that are about 45-60 minutes long. In between these calls, you offer support in the form of emails, texts, or Voxer. This structure helps your clients feel supported.

How to create coaching offers? ›

How do you craft a compelling coaching offer and call to action that converts prospects into clients?
  1. Identify your niche and brand.
  2. Craft your value proposition.
  3. Write your coaching offer.
  4. Create your call to action.
  5. Test and optimize your offer and call to action.
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Mar 20, 2023

How long should a coaching package be? ›

The 6 to 8-week coaching package is the one most clients will opt for if it's your shortest one. Many prospects will find a commitment of 3 or 6 months with a coach they don't know yet a bit of a risky decision.

How do I create my own coaching program? ›

How To Structure A Coaching Program
  1. Step 1: Identify Your Coaching Niche. ...
  2. Step 2: Name Your Coaching Program. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose Your Coaching Program Frequency & Duration. ...
  4. Step 4: Choose Your Coaching Program Delivery Method. ...
  5. Step 5: Choose Your Program Structure. ...
  6. Step 6: Outline and Create Your Coaching Tools.

How to create an irresistible coaching offer? ›

The 5 Essential Components Of An Irresistible Offer: A Guide for Business Coaches and Consultants
  1. A Clear Promise. ...
  2. Unique Value Proposition. ...
  3. Specific Outcomes. ...
  4. Testimonials and Social Proof. ...
  5. A Compelling Call-to-Action. ...
  6. Like fishing, you need the right bait to attract the right fish 🎣
May 3, 2023

How do you structure a coaching package? ›

The best way to structure your coaching package is to offer monthly, biweekly, or weekly calls that are about 45-60 minutes long. In between these calls, you offer support in the form of emails, texts, or Voxer. This structure helps your clients feel supported.

How do I create a coaching agreement? ›

Life Coaching Contract Template: What to Include
  1. Parties, Date, and Signatures. ...
  2. The Definition of Coaching Services. ...
  3. Use of Information. ...
  4. The Description of Your Specific Life Coaching Services. ...
  5. The Duration of the Life Coaching Contract. ...
  6. The Fees and Payment Terms of Your Coaching Services.
Jan 4, 2024

How do I charge for coaching? ›

The most common are:
  1. Hourly pricing. You bill clients by the hour.
  2. Package pricing. You set a price for a package of coaching services (such as a two-month program including eight sessions).
  3. Value-based pricing. You charge your clients based on the value you create through coaching.
  4. Monthly retainers.
Mar 3, 2023

How much does 1 on 1 coaching cost? ›

Many life coaches charge hourly. The amount charged by life coaches varies, ranging from $75 to $200 per hour on average. Novice life coaches typically have an hourly rate of less than $75, while more experienced ones may exceed $200 per hour.

What do business coaches charge? ›

How Expensive Is a Business Coach? A business coach will cost you about $1000 to $3000 per month, or $100 to $300 per hour. Business coaching rates also differ depending on your business size, requirements, and location.

Are coaching businesses profitable? ›

Starting a coaching business can be a fulfilling and lucrative career. While it's natural to wonder which type of coaching makes the most money, there are other factors that influence your earning potential. Certain niches may have higher-paying clients.

How do I start a coaching business from scratch? ›

How to Start a Coaching Business
  1. Define Your Skills, Not Experience.
  2. Start Coaching Today.
  3. Develop a Coaching Niche.
  4. Choose a Coaching Business Name.
  5. Incorporate Your Coaching Business.
  6. Understand Your Finances & Expenses.
  7. Gain Coaching Certifications.
  8. Purchase Business Insurance.

How to create an offer that sells? ›

Be sure to take notes!
  1. Attractive Solution + Desirable Proposition = Increased Sales. Remember how I said an irresistible offer combines an attractive solution with a desirable proposition? ...
  2. Show the Benefits. ...
  3. Give a Guarantee. ...
  4. Promote Fast Results. ...
  5. Update Your Offer as the Market Evolves.

What should I offer in a coaching package? ›

A coaching package offers so much more value than single sessions do, because you can add all types of support into your packages. For example, you can include email or Voxer coaching, access to a resource library, access to bonus training, or even check-in emails and calls.

How do I market myself as a coach? ›

Here are some examples of organic marketing strategies you can leverage to grow your profile as a coach:
  1. Guest blogging. ...
  2. Lead Magnets. ...
  3. Social media. ...
  4. Podcasting. ...
  5. Online Communities. ...
  6. Email Marketing.
Feb 4, 2024

How do I create a signature coaching offer? ›

How to create (or improve) your own Signature Coaching Program:
  1. Pick Your Best Ideal Client. ...
  2. Understand their customer journey. ...
  3. Build your offer around your strengths. ...
  4. Map out the steps they need to take for success. ...
  5. Add a couple of bonuses to cover variances. ...
  6. Simplify it. ...
  7. Focus on the messaging. ...
  8. Get Feedback and Improve.

How do I create a group coaching offer? ›

Pro tips for structuring your group coaching program
  1. Keep it time-bound. Having a clear starting and stopping point, and helps your members focus on the process (e.g. “4 months coaching package”).
  2. Set clear goals. ...
  3. Use the group. ...
  4. Charge enough. ...
  5. Set ground rules. ...
  6. Use software.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.