What is CRM (2024)

1. What is CRM Software?
2. Who is CRM software for?
3. The importance of CRM for your business
4. Running a business without CRM software can cost you
5. What does a CRM system do?
6. Here's how a CRM system can add value to your business today
7. Here’s how a CRM can future-proof your business
8. Here’s what cloud-based CRM offers your business

What is CRM Software?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

When people talk about CRM, they usually refer to a CRM system or platform, a tool that helps with contact management, sales management, productivity, and more.

CRM software helps you focus on your organisation’s relationships with individual people — including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers — throughout your lifecycle with them, including finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support and additional services throughout the relationship.

With a CRM solution, the sales and marketing team can track and follow a customer’s interaction journey with your business. This can enhance the customer journey and experience by refining each customer touchpoint.

See the world's #1 CRM, Salesforce, in action:

Is your business is ready for CRM? Find out with the Complete CRM Handbook.

CRM helps grow your business.

See how a CRM system improves customer relationships.

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Who is CRM software for?

A CRM system gives everyone — from sales, customer service, business development, recruiting, marketing, or any other line of business — a better way to manage the external interactions and relationships that drive success. CRM software lets you store customer and prospect contact information, identify sales opportunities, record service issues, and manage marketing campaigns, all in one central location — and make information about every customer interaction available to anyone at your company who might need it.

With visibility and easy access to data, it's easier to collaborate and increase productivity. Everyone in your company can see how customers have been communicated with, what they’ve bought, when they last purchased, what they paid, and so much more. CRM solutions can help companies of all sizes drive business growth, and it can be especially beneficial to a small business, where teams often need to find ways to do more with less. Our CRM Handbook explains how and why small to medium-sized businesses should consider utilising CRM software, plus advice and the first steps for getting started.

The importance of CRM for your business

CRM software is increasing in importance as it is the largest and fastest-growing enterprise application software category. Worldwide spending on CRM is expected to reach USD $114.4 billion by 2027. If your business is going to last, you need a strategy for the future that’s centred around your customers and enabled by the right technology. You have targets for sales, business objectives, and profitability. But getting up-to-date, reliable information on your progress can be tricky. How do you translate the many streams of data coming in from sales, customer service, marketing, and social media monitoring into useful business information?

A CRM system can give you a clear overview of your customers. You can see everything in one place — a simple, customisable dashboard that can tell you a customer’s previous history with you, the status of their orders, any outstanding customer service issues, and more. You can even choose to include information from their public social media activity — their likes and dislikes, what they are saying and sharing about you or your competitors. Marketers can use a CRM solution to manage and optimise campaigns and lead journeys with a data-driven approach, and better understand the pipeline of sales or prospects coming in, making forecasting simpler and more accurate. You’ll have clear visibility of every opportunity or lead, showing you a clear path from inquiries to sales. Some of the biggest gains in productivity and in making a whole-company shift to customer-centricity can come from moving beyond CRM as just a sales and marketing tool and embedding it in your business — from finance to customer services and supply chain management. This helps to ensure that customer needs are at the forefront of business processes and innovation cycles.

Running a business without CRM software can cost you.

More administration means less time for everything else. An active sales team can generate a flood of data. Reps are out on the road talking to customers, meeting prospects, and finding out valuable information – but all too often this information gets stored in handwritten notes, laptops, or inside the heads of your salespeople.

Don’t make tracking and managing customer information harder than it needs to be. CRM ensures your data is in one place and can easily be updated by anyone, anytime.

Details can get lost, meetings are not followed up on promptly, and prioritising customers can be a matter of guesswork rather than a rigorous exercise based on fact. And it can all be compounded if a key salesperson moves on. But it's not just sales that suffers without CRM.

Your customers may be contacting you on a range of different platforms including phone, email, or social media— asking questions, following up on orders, or contacting you about an issue. Without a common platform for customer interactions, communications can be missed or lost in the flood of information — leading to a slow or unsatisfactory response.

Even if you do successfully collect all this data, you’re faced with the challenge of making sense of it. It can be difficult to extract intelligence. Reports can be hard to create and they can waste valuable selling time. Managers can lose sight of what their teams are up to, which means that they can’t offer the right support at the right time – while a lack of oversight can also result in a lack of accountability from the team.

What does a CRM system do?

A customer relationship management (CRM) solution helps you find new customers, win their business, and keep them happy by organising customer and prospect information in a way that helps you build stronger relationships with them and grow your business faster. CRM systems start by collecting a customer's website, email, telephone, social media data, and more, across multiple sources and channels. It may also automatically pull in other information, such as recent news about the company's activity, and it can store personal details, such as a client's personal preferences on communications. The CRM tool organises this information to give you a complete record of individuals and companies overall, so you can better understand your relationship over time.

A CRM platform can also connect to other business apps that help you to develop customer relationships. CRM solutions today are more open and can integrate with your favourite business tools, such as document signing, accounting and billing, and surveys, so that information flows both ways to give you a true 360-degree view of your customer.

And a new generation of CRM goes one step further: Built-in intelligence automates administrative tasks, like data entry and lead or service case routing, so you can free up time for more valuable activities. Automatically generated insights help you understand your customers better, even predicting how they will feel and act so that you can prepare the right outreach.

What is CRM (4)

Here's how a CRM system can add value to your business today

1. Make improvements to your bottom line.

Introducing a CRM platform has been shown to produce real results – including direct improvements to the bottom line. CRM applications have a proven track record of increasing:


Lead conversion by up to


Deal size by


Win rate by



Lead conversion by


Qualified leads by








Faster case resolution by





Time to execute new strategies by


Customer attrition by



IT costs by


Faster deployment by


Faster configuration by


Average Percentage Improvements Reported by Salesforce Customers
Source: Salesforce Relationship Survey conducted 2014–2016 among 10,500+ customers randomly selected. Response sizes per question vary.

2. Identify and categorise leads.

A CRM system can help you identify and add new leads easily and quickly, and categorise them accurately. By focusing on the right leads, sales can prioritise the opportunities that will close deals, and marketing can identify leads that need more nurturing and prime them to become quality leads.

With complete, accurate, centrally held information about clients and prospects, sales and marketing can focus their attention and energy on the right clients.

3. Increase referrals from existing customers.

By understanding your customers better, cross-selling and upselling opportunities become clear — giving you the chance to win new business from existing customers.

With better visibility, you’ll also be able to keep your customers happy with better service. Happy customers are likely to become repeat customers, and repeat customers spend more — up to 33% more according to some studies.

4. Offer better customer support.

Today's customers expect fast, personalised support, at any time of day or night. A CRM system can help you provide the high-quality service that customers are looking for. Your agents can quickly see what products customers have ordered, and they can get a record of every interaction so they can give customers the answers they need, fast.

What is CRM (5)

5. Improve products and services.

A good CRM system will gather information from a huge variety of sources across your business and beyond. This gives you unprecedented insights into how your customers feel and what they are saying about your organisation — so you can improve what you offer, spot problems early, and identify gaps.

What is CRM (6)

Want to sell more, faster? Skip ahead.

Check out our interactive video and see how CRM with Salesforce can help you win customers — as well as find them and keep them happy.

Here’s how a CRM can future-proof your business.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has proven, a business’ ability to be responsive to external changes can make or break. While some businesses have fallen, others have pivoted and been able to adapt their products or services to reach customers in a different way, garnering a whole new customer base. A few have grown – think ecommerce, logistics, and pharmaceuticals. For all these businesses, it’s the customer who is at the centre.

Sanjay Gupta, Country Head and VP of Google India, has seen a massive adoption of digital and technology in the country. He says, “India is…a low internet penetration country at about 33(%). Rapid digitisation will accelerate the numbers. There were 1.34 billion online transactions in June 2020 – up 80-90% on the year before.”

So what can a CRM do for your business? We look at how a robust system can ensure your business is ready for the age of the connected consumer, who expects a consistently excellent experience across the customer journey.

1. Boost customer experience with unified CRM systems for sales, marketing, and customer service.

A unified customer relationship management system can connect sales, marketing, and customer service to create a holistic view of a business’ customers. With 62% of customers prepared to share a bad experience with others, the benefits of ensuring the customer journey is optimal can’t be overstated. 66% of millennial consumers expect real-time responses and interactions, and 40% of all customers won’t do business with a company if they can’t use their preferred modes of communication. A CRM that stores all these interactions, across devices and times, can improve the customer experience.

Quickly responding to customer requirements is key to their experience. In response to COVID-19, Edelweiss Global Wealth Management has accelerated digital transformation and adoption. Customers continue to have 24/7 access to their funds and to financial advisors. To ensure that these orders are processed smoothly, Edelweiss has driven up adoption of the Salesforce Mobile App across its workforce, with an additional layer of security built-in to make transactions more secure. All employees now use the app to access data on customers and transactions right on their mobile devices, resulting in agile execution and uninterrupted customer service. The Salesforce mobile app also continues to record customer calls, enabling employees to stay attuned to customer needs and feedback.

2. Provide engaging and unbeatable user experience through hyper-personalisation.

In order to truly personalise the customer experience, businesses need to ensure that each interaction is defined by the customer themselves. 61% of millennials are happy to share personal data that leads to a more personalised shopping experience, and it’s this cohort that is embracing the benefits of hyper-personalisation.

Hyper-personalisation can refer to actually customising products; offering particular products in particular locations based on what’s trending; leveraging omnichannel data to personalise communications; or real-time engagement. 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important to them. The meaningful engagement offered by hyper-personalisation can lead to an improved customer experience, coupling user satisfaction with improved sales.

3. AI-powered CRMs can improve decision-making and productivity.

Businesses can make smarter and faster decisions with help from Artificial Intelligence (AI). With 64% of customers expecting tailored engagement based on past interactions, marketing AI can collate data from interactions to predict the messaging your customers will most likely respond to. With 71% of customers having used multiple channels to start and complete a single transaction, using AI to track customers across mediums and devices is vital for sales. And at the operational end, 68% of customers would rather use self-service channels – like knowledge bases or customer portals – for simple questions or issues.

4. Leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) to power customer engagement.

With connected devices all around us, a constant stream of data can flow into the CRM platform. The Internet of Things is predicted to increase global corporate profits by about 21% over the next decade. It also has buy-in from the customer – 77% of users say connected devices (such as smart speakers, fitness trackers, and security systems) make their lives easier. This all powers an opportunity to improve customer engagement, as well as boosting research and product development.

5. Improve retention through customer-oriented processes.

84% of customers say the experience that a company provides is as important to them as its products and services. It’s this experience that often drives retention.

Retention is inextricably linked to a company’s bottom line. 89% of customers are more loyal to companies they trust, and 65% have stopped buying from companies that did something they consider distrustful.

GEP is a leading provider of procurement and supply chain software, strategy and managed services for Fortune 500 companies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, each of GEP’s customers faced daunting challenges because of supply chain disruptions, lockdowns and wild swings in demand. A consumer products company, for instance, needed to ramp up its supply chain to meet double digit increased demand. On the other hand, a technology firm saw procurement disruption as suppliers and suppliers’ suppliers were unable to source components and raw material. GEP’s Customer Support Operations team supported all customers without missing a beat while working from home around the globe, enabling the consumer goods company to meet the sudden spike in demand, and the equipment manufacturer to quickly source new suppliers and significantly reduce risk in its supply chain. From March to June, 2020 GEP’s service team has delivered an improvement in SLAs by 5%, and case resolution time has dropped by 23%. The volume of cases resolved in less than four hours remained unchanged.

A CRM can future-proof your business by connecting you with your customer – providing hyper-personalised engagement that is viewable across business teams, powered by data from connected devices and informed by AI, all designed to improve retention by focusing on your customer’s unique needs.

What is CRM (7)

Here’s what cloud-based CRM offers your business.

CRM and the cloud computing revolution have changed everything. Perhaps the most significant recent development in CRM systems has been the move into the cloud from on-premises CRM software. Freed from the need to install software on hundreds or thousands of desktop computers and mobile devices, organisations worldwide are discovering the benefits of moving data, software, and services into a secure online environment.

Work from anywhere.

Cloud-based CRM systems such as Salesforce (Learn more: What is Salesforce?) mean every user has the same information, all the time. Your sales teams out on the road can check data, update it instantly after a meeting, or work from anywhere. The same information is available to anyone who needs it, from the sales team to the customer service representatives.

Reduce costs.

CRM can be quick and easy to implement. A cloud-based system doesn’t need special installation, and there’s no hardware to set up, keeping IT costs low and removing the headache of version control and update schedules.

Generally, cloud-based CRM systems are priced on the number of users who access the system and the kinds of features you need. This can be very cost-effective in terms of capital outlay, and is also extremely flexible — enabling you to scale up and add more people as your business grows. Salesforce is flexible in terms of functionality, too — you’re not paying for any features that are not useful to you.

A cloud-based CRM platform offers you:

  • Faster deployment
  • Automatic software updates
  • Cost-effectiveness and scalability
  • The ability to work from anywhere, on any device
  • Increased collaboration
What is CRM (2024)


What is CRM in short answer? ›

Definition of CRM: CRM stands for customer relationship management, or the process of managing interactions with existing and prospective customers during the sales process.

What is CRM easily explained? ›

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy that companies use to manage interactions with customers and potential customers. CRM helps organisations streamline processes, build customer relationships, increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability.

What does CRM stand for answer? ›

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers.

How do you explain CRM in an interview? ›

Answer: CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a technology for managing a company's relationships and interactions with current and potential customers. It's vital because it helps businesses streamline processes, build customer relationships, enhance sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability.

What is CRM and examples? ›

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology that allows businesses both large and small to organise, automate, and synchronise every facet of customer interaction. CRM system examples include marketing, sales, customer service, and support.

What is a CRM and why is it useful? ›

Why CRM is Important. A customer relationship management (CRM) system collects, organizes, and manages all of your customer-related information so you can track the buyer's journey for every individual you interact with, streamline communication, enhance the customer experience, and improve data management.

Which CRM is easy to use? ›

Pipedrive is a top choice for a simple view CRM. Its visual sales pipeline management helps businesses effectively track deals from lead generation to close. Its straightforward interface quickly allows sales teams to monitor and advance opportunities using customizable workflows.

What are examples of CRM tools? ›

10 Best CRM Software Examples in 2024
  • ClickUp. Manage customer data, personal tasks, and communication in ClickUp from any device. ...
  • HubSpot. via HubSpot. ...
  • Zendesk. via Zendesk. ...
  • Freshworks. via Freshworks. ...
  • Microsoft Dynamics. via Microsoft Dynamics. ...
  • BIGContacts. via BIGContacts. ...
  • Salesforce. via Salesforce. ...
  • ActiveCampaign.
Feb 14, 2024

What is modern CRM? ›

Modern CRM consolidates AI-powered applications for marketing, sales, and customer service on one platform. It makes accurate market predictions, consumer sentiment analysis, and customer needs analysis beneficial for each of these departments.

How to answer CRM interview questions? ›

Tips for preparing for your interview
  1. Prepare to discuss specific examples. ...
  2. Review the company's current CRM practices. ...
  3. Practice how you plan to respond out loud. ...
  4. Highlight both technical and transferable skills. ...
  5. Highlight any special certifications in CRM software you have.
Mar 10, 2023

How do you describe your CRM experience? ›

Another way to describe your CRM experience is to show your skills and abilities in using CRM software and tools. For example, you can mention the specific CRM platforms or systems that you have used or are familiar with, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, or Microsoft Dynamics.

How do you explain CRM to a child? ›

A CRM, or customer relationship management system, is software that helps businesses to organize all of their interactions with clients. It can be used for many different things, such as managing sales leads, finding new customers, and tracking the progress of existing customers.

How is CRM work? ›

A CRM system helps you keep your customer's contact details up to date, track every interaction they have with your business, and manage their accounts. It's designed to help you, improve your customer relationships, and in turn, customer lifetime value.

What are the three types of CRM? ›

To start, there are three main types of CRMs: collaborative, operational, and analytical. To help you get your bearings, we'll cover what a CRM is to begin with, how the three types of CRMs differ, and how to select the right product for your company.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.