Paleo vs. Keto for Inflammation: Which One Works Better? (2024)

The paleo and keto diets have gained popularity in recent years as anti-inflammatory eating plans that enhance health and help with weight loss. Both diets are thought to decrease inflammation, which is a normal immune reaction to infection. Furthermore, inflammation is associated with chronic autoimmune illnesses, like Type 1 diabetes, and more. So, is paleo or keto better for inflammation?

In the case of paleo vs. keto, both diets have been shown to reduce inflammation, due to their focus on eliminating or limiting the intake of refined sugars, processed foods, and dairy products. However, the paleo and keto diets have different anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action.

This post will look at the anti-inflammatory properties of the paleo and keto diets, as well as their benefits for weight loss.

Key Takeaways

  • Both paleo and keto diets have anti-inflammatory properties but work differently in managing inflammation and related health conditions.
  • The paleo diet is better for managing autoimmune diseases, while the keto diet is better for managing diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
  • Both diets are effective for weight loss, but careful planning needs to ensure that all essential nutrients are being consumed.

What Is Inflammation and How Can Diet Help Reduce It?

Inflammation is the body’s natural reaction to irritants and a defense mechanism that helps it fight illness and damage. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, may lead to various health issues, including autoimmune conditions, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The good news is that we can minimize inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods.

Anti-inflammatory foods are high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, meaning they have high nutritional density. Fatty fish, leafy greens, berries, nuts, and seeds are all anti-inflammatory foods. These foods include chemicals that aid in reducing inflammation by decreasing the body's generation of pro-inflammatory agents.

Anti-inflammatory foods reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, improve cognitive function, promote healthy digestion, and strengthen the immune system.


Is Paleo or Keto Anti-Inflammatory?

Paleo vs. Keto for Inflammation: Which One Works Better? (1)

Image by Treyzonmed

Anti-inflammatory benefits are found in both the paleo and keto diets. Their approaches, however, are rather different. The paleo diet emphasizes eating whole, unprocessed foods that our forefathers had access to, such as meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.

On the other hand, the keto diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that causes the body to enter a state called ketosis, where the body starts producing ketones as fuel. Research shows that ketones have potential anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, the ketogenic diet promotes a decrease in inflammation.

Comparison of the Paleo and Keto Diets Regarding Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Studies have exhibited that the ketogenic dietary plan has anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, the keto diet alleviates a range of health conditions, associated with inflammation. From Parkinson's disease and epilepsy to diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, going keto can help prevent or limit the effects of these chronic illnesses.

On the other hand, the paleo diet may be beneficial for other autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, Chron’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. This is because the paleo diet excludes grains, legumes, and dairy, all known to induce inflammation in certain people.

Randomized, controlled research discovered that the paleo diet lowered CRP levels and increased insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients. The keto diet lowered inflammation and enhanced cognitive performance in Parkinson's disease patients.

Paleo and keto diets also improve numerous metabolic health indicators, including inflammation, in those with obesity or metabolic syndrome.

Trying to reduce inflammation through a healthy diet? Then, why not take advantage of Cook Unity’s convenient keto or paleo meal delivery services and save time and effort? We offer a wide range of nutricious and anti-inflammatory keto and paleo recipes, prepared by talented master chefs near you!

Related: Mediterranean Diet vs Paleo: Which One Is Right for You?

Paleo vs. Keto Food Diet List

Paleo vs. Keto for Inflammation: Which One Works Better? (2)

Let's compare some paleo and keto foods to see how the two diets differ from each other and what they have in common. Below is a table detailing some of the permitted and prohibited foods in each diet:

Meat, fish & poultryWhole & organicWhole & limited processed meat
FruitsAllowedLow-sugar fruits allowed
VegetablesAllowed but limited starchy veggiesAllowed but limited starchy veggies
Nuts and seedsAllowedLimited low-carb nuts and seeds
GrainsExcludedLimited low-net-carb grains
LegumesExcludedSome, such as peas
Processed foodsExcludedLimited

Both diets emphasize the consumption of natural, unprocessed ingredients but differ primarily in the amounts of carbohydrates and fat they allow.

While the ketogenic diet restricts carbohydrates to induce ketosis and advocates a high-fat intake, the paleo diet allows more carbs from fruits and vegetables.

The Paleo Diet vs. the Keto Diet - Differences

These days, dieters may choose between the Paleo and Keto diets, depending on their food preferences, way of living, and dietary goals.

See below how keto differs from paleo:

  • The keto diet: The goal is a new metabolic state, called ketosis. It can be achieved by severely restricting your intake of carbohydrates while encouraging the consumption of high-fat foods and moderate amounts of protein.

  • The paleo diet: The diet prioritizes natural, unprocessed foods that our ancestors had access to. This means that cultivated foods like grains and legumes, as well as dairy products, are off the paleo list.

Related: Keto No-Go - What Can You Not Eat On Keto?

Paleo vs. Keto Results for Weight Loss

Paleo vs. Keto for Inflammation: Which One Works Better? (3)

Image by Paleoaholic

There are a number of studies exploring the health benefits of the paleo and keto diets. Well, both types of eating plans have a similar macronutrient composition but differ in their approach to food choices.

When it comes to their effectiveness for weight loss, both diets are a great option, due to their elimination of added sugar, processed food, alcohol, grains, and legumes.

Paleo Vs. Keto: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

The paleo diet renders successful weight loss results in the long term. Conversely, the keto diet can help you lose weight fast but may prove more difficult to maintain for a long period of time.

On that note, the paleo diet seems more sustainable, as it can be considered a lifestyle change in the way you eat and the quality of food you consume. Therefore, you can not only lose weight but also keep the results for longer without the risk of the yo-yo effect. Furthermore, some studies have shown that paleo dieters lose more weight, diminish waist circumference, and lower triglycerides when compared to low-fat dieters.

Similarly, there are a number of studies on various low-fat diets vs. the keto diet for weight loss, which have established that the consumption of low-carb foods is more beneficial for fat loss. The keto diet also fights successfully water retention issues, as it promotes diuresis. The results, of course, are a slimmer look and significant weight loss.

ProsLose weight for the long termReduces the feeling of hunger; Fast results
ConsToo restrictive; risk of micronutrient deficienciesHigh in fat: risk of heart disease

Paleo vs Keto for Inflammation: FAQs

Q: What Is the Difference Between the Keto, Paleo, and Mediterranean Diets?

A: The Keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that aims to achieve ketosis, a metabolic state. The Paleo diet emphasizes consuming whole, natural foods like our ancestors. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes healthy fats, lean meats, and fruits and vegetables.

Q: How Does the Whole30 Diet Differ From the Keto and Paleo Diets?

A: The Whole30 diet is similar to the Paleo diet but is stricter and aims to identify food sensitivities or allergies by following a 30-day plan. The Keto diet aims to achieve ketosis through a low-carb, high-fat diet.

Q: Does the Paleo Diet Reduce Inflammation?

A: The paleo diet emphasizes eating foods high in anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation.

Q: Can the Keto Diet Reduce Inflammation?

A: A Keto diet can help reduce inflammation in the body, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of ketones, produced during ketosis. The diet is often used to treat medication-resistant forms of epilepsy, for instance.

Q: Which Diet Is More Effective: Paleo or Keto?

A: In terms of inflammation, both the paleo and keto diets are effective in alleviating inflammatory health conditions. With regards to weight loss, keto renders faster results, while paleo helps you achieve sustainable weight loss.

Related: What Is Keto Flu and How to Reduce Its Symptoms?


Weight loss, reduced inflammation, and improved overall health can be the results of either - the paleo or keto diets. However, the ketogenic diet may be more useful in controlling metabolic diseases like diabetes. In contrast, the paleo diet may be more useful in lowering inflammation and improving cardiovascular and digestive health.

Each person's health goals and medical conditions will determine which anti-inflammatory diet, paleo or keto, will work best for them.

And when it comes to weight loss, the effectiveness of the paleo diet is for the long term, while the keto dietary plan is better for fast results.


Paleo vs. Keto for Inflammation: Which One Works Better? (2024)


Paleo vs. Keto for Inflammation: Which One Works Better? ›

Both paleo and keto diets have anti-inflammatory properties but work differently in managing inflammation and related health conditions. The paleo diet is better for managing autoimmune diseases, while the keto diet is better for managing diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Is keto or paleo better for inflammation? ›

The paleo diet's emphasis on whole, unprocessed foods and elimination of potential inflammatory triggers such as grains, legumes, and dairy may be beneficial for those with autoimmune disorders. The ketogenic diet's ability to promote ketosis and reduce inflammation may also be beneficial.

Does paleo diet reduce inflammation? ›

Numerous studies have found that The Paleo Diet is an anti-inflammatory diet.

Is keto the best diet for inflammation? ›

The keto diet, in a sense, stresses the body initially, which sparks a protective response much like exercise does to muscles. As a result, it reduces inflammation , oxidative stress , and sensitivity within the nervous system— all of which can help with managing chronic pain.

What is healthier than keto? ›

Mediterranean Diet Benefits

It's simply about eating more of some foods and less of others. That often makes it much easier for people to adhere to than a hugely restrictive diet that may not be manageable in the long term.

What is the best diet to reduce inflammation? ›

Healthy eating tips to help reduce inflammation
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. ...
  • Choose high-fiber carbohydrates. ...
  • Eat more fiber. ...
  • Choose plant-based and leaner animal protein sources. ...
  • Be conscious of your fat sources. ...
  • Reduce the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in the diet. ...
  • Reduce your sugar intake. ...
  • Limit or avoid alcohol.
Nov 16, 2023

What diet is closest to anti-inflammatory? ›

In terms of well-known diets, the Mediterranean diet may be the most beneficial in helping people get inflammation under control. It emphasizes omega-3s, vitamin C, polyphenols, fiber-rich foods and other known inflammation fighters.

What is the number one food that kills inflammation? ›

1. Avocados. Avocados are often sought after for their creamy texture and satiating taste. But they are also powerhouses when it comes to fighting inflammation.

What is the best anti-inflammatory diet for autoimmune disease? ›

Choose fish, poultry, beans, and nuts; limit red meat and cheese; avoid bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats. Eat a variety of whole grains (like whole-wheat bread, whole-grain pasta, and brown rice). Limit refined grains (like white rice and white bread).

What is the best diet to reverse autoimmune disease? ›

Ways diet can help improve your condition
  • Eliminate highly processed or refined foods. ...
  • Eliminate added sugars. ...
  • Eat more plant-based foods. ...
  • Get an adequate amount of protein, plus healthy fats and oils. ...
  • Sprinkle in some fermented foods. ...
  • Address food sensitivities.
Feb 26, 2017

Does not eating carbs reduce inflammation? ›

Reducing your carb intake doesn't automatically mean you cut inflammation, too. However, it will help to some degree. “Getting rid of sugar and carb-rich junk food is a valuable anti-inflammatory change,” Shannon explains. “Cutting these kinds of refined carbs will help reduce inflammation.”

Do carbs make inflammation worse? ›

In fact, the effect that carbs have on blood sugar—whether that's slow and steady or a sudden spike—is considered a primary driver of inflammation. Not to mention, eating too many refined carbs or items with lots of added sugar can lead to weight gain which further drives inflammation.

What causes inflammation on keto? ›

“If your keto diet contains a fair amount of red meat, you will be eating more of the types of saturated fats that increase the inflammatory compounds that make you feel worse.” One type of fatty acid that's found in higher amounts in red meats promotes the cytokines and leukotrienes that cause more damage and ...

Why is paleo better than keto? ›

For most people, the paleo diet is a better choice because it has more flexibility with food choices than keto, which makes it easier to maintain long-term. At the end of the day, the diet that works long-term for you is the best choice.

What is the downside of keto? ›

Calorie Depletion and Nutrient Deficiency

“Because the keto diet is so restricted, you're not receiving the nutrients — vitamins, minerals, fibers — that you get from fresh fruits, legumes, vegetables and whole grains,” says Dr. Ring. Due to these deficiencies, people also report feeling foggy and tired.

What is the lazy diet? ›

Unlike the strict macronutrient ratios of the standard keto diet, the lazy keto diet focuses primarily on restricting carbohydrate intake while placing less emphasis on tracking fat and protein consumption. “With lazy keto, you limit carbohydrate intake to 10% or less,” Hezer said.

What are the least inflammatory carbs? ›

These include whole grains like buckwheat, oats, quinoa and bulgur, and starchy vegetables like potatoes. A 2022 systematic review published in Nutrients found that replacing refined grains with whole grains can have a significant effect in reducing at least one inflammatory marker.

Can a low-carb diet be anti-inflammatory? ›

Certain diets may also have anti-inflammatory benefits, including: Mediterranean diets, which have been shown to reduce inflammatory markers , such as IL-17A and IL-6. low carb diets, which may help reduce inflammation in people with obesity. vegetarian diets, which are linked to reduced inflammation.

Is keto better than vegan for inflammation? ›

Research indicates that low-fat vegan or vegetarian diets can lower inflammation and heart disease risk, while ketogenic diets may benefit certain epilepsy types and reduce neuroinflammation. However, the precise effect of diet on human immunity is still unclear.

Why is paleo good for autoimmune? ›

The Paleo diet can provide a natural source of nutrients similar to supplemental nutrients that have shown positive results on AITD. The paleo diet provides specific macronutrient percentages that may be beneficial in reducing AITD antibodies, while improving thyroid hormones.

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