Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (2024)

Unleash Your Passion for People

Unleash Your Passion for People

What it takes ... and other important questions

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (1)

"How do I become a life coach ... What does it take?"

This is a question we get asked regularly.

On this page, we've done our best to provide answers to some of the key questions that lie behind this.


If you are interested in more detailed reading about life coaching and what it takes to become a life coach we've produced two complimentary information-packed ebooks that you can download and read in your own time.

We have produced two 30-page ebooks that deal, separately, with:

  • every aspect of life coaching that you need to know about; and
  • everything about New Insights and our acclaimed certification training programme.

You can download these ebooks for free by simply joining our mailing list.

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SHOULD YOU become a life coach?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (3)

Before we tackle the issue of how to become a life coach, you may still be wondering whether it is a career you'd like to pursue?

If you haven't yet read the page on this website that deals with what life coaching is and what life coaches do, you should consider doing so now.

Frankly, life coaching must rank as one of the most – if not the most – fulfilling career for people who have a passion for working with people.

As a life coach responsible for helping your clients live their best lives, you will watch them grow and develop and achieve things theynever thought possible.

This is what making a difference in the world is all about

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (4)

There are many other reasons too.

Forone thing, when you train to become a life coach, you'll experience amazing personal development and growth in self awareness.

We sum it up as more Freedom, Confidence and Growth!

As a professional life coach, your work will never again beboring. Each client is unique, with his or her own view of the world,hopes, dreams ... and self imposed limitations or obstacles to growth.

And then there'sthe unrivalled flexibility that a career as a life coach can offer.

You choose the hours you wantto work, when you want to work, what types of people you want to haveas your clients, and so on.

what DOES IT take to beCOME a life coach?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (6)

Life coaching is a career that comes from the heart, more so than from the head!

So you don't need any fancy academic qualifications.

However, there are a few very important attributes that you should possess if you want to be successful in this field.

Ideally you should be someone with the following characteristics.

Ask yourself ... Are you:

Thoroughly honest and with unquestionable integrity?

Someone with a real passion for working with people?

Someone with an open, enquiring mind, ready and willing to learn about what makes you and others 'tick'?

Generally non judgmental of others (although this can be learnt)?

Happy to commit to ongoing personal development?

Very importantly, you will require comprehensive training (bewary here as there are a number of dubious short courses that will claimto turn you into a practising life coach within a few weeks or months).

Ideally, you should look for training that will also provide you with access to a structured and effective coaching system andtoolkit that will help you deliver the results your clients willexpect from a professional life coach.

Here are a few things you do not necessarily need to become a life coach:

  • A degree or other academic qualification.
  • To be in a specific age group (although we recommend you be over 23 years of age).
  • To lead the perfect life (it doesn't exist anyway!)

what form of training IS REQUIRED to become a life coach?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (7)

If you are serious about becoming a certified professional lifecoach, we recommend you get the best training you can afford.

Life experience alone is not sufficient to qualify you as a life coach. In fact, without extensive training in the various life coaching tools, techniques and systems, it can even work against you. You may need to unlearn various conditioned habits in order to help other people effectively.

Life coaching is very much a word-of-mouth driven industry, so yourability to deliver great results for your clients is far and away the most important outcome you want from the training you choose to undertake.

Ensure that the life coach training you invest in is:

BROAD BASED (focusing on all aspects of life coaching, not just niche techniques);

COMPREHENSIVE (covering both theory and practical in some depth;

REPUTABLE (with a suitable structure and/or system that has proven to deliver results over an extended period);

PRACTICAL TO APPLY (not overly academic in nature); and

SUPPORTIVE, throughout your certification period and, preferably, beyond.

Will I need to give up my existing job to do the training?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (9)

No. Not if you choose to train with New Insights.

Our in-depth certification programmeis specifically designed for people who are currently in employment orholding down important day-to-day responsibilities, such as stay-at-home mothers.

With us, you can start whenever it suits you and train in your own time and at your own pace.

Werecommend that you start coaching for reward only when you feelcompletely ready and then do so in your part time until you haveestablished your practice and feel ready to go full time with your newcareer.

That way you have the flexibility to control your destiny without taking unnecessary risks.

will i have to travel anywhere for training?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (10)

No. At least not if you choose to train with New Insights.

The homestudy nature of our training is designed to work equally well for you,whether you're in Nelspruit or Nairobi, Cape Town or Cairo.

AlthoughNew Insights has two companies registered in Cape Town and London we do notrun conventional training centres. You study, practice and even writethe theory exam from your home or place of choice - even if you decideto emigrate during your training.

There's no need to travel to us - ever!

Youhave total flexibility and control over your training agenda. But weare always there to support you by phone, email or through ourinnovative online Forum and Journalling facility.

How long does it take to become a life coach?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (11)

The quality of training on offer in the market varies widely so this a difficult question to answer!

Bevery wary of short courses that claim to turn you into a practisinglife coach after just a few days, weeks or even months. Such claims are generallyunrealistic and will likely result in disappointment and/or disillusionment.

The NewInsights life coach certification training involves a total of some 300 hours of study and practice. It offers very thorough preparation tobecome a life coach with everything you need to build a successfulpractice.

The New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme will most probably take you somewhere between 9 and 18 months to complete if you can allocate roughly 4 to 8 hours a week to it.

what sort of employment can i look forward when i become a life coach?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (12)

Generally speaking, life coaching is not a career for those who prefer being in the employ of others.

The great majority of life coaches start their own life coaching practices rather than look for employment.

And why not?

This is a wonderfully flexible career that can easily be operated from home. In fact we believe that becoming a New Insights certified life coach can give you access to one of the very best home based business opportunities available..

Whenyou become a life coach and start your own practice you are in control! You decide your hours and the clients you prefer to work with.

Lifecoaching practices share very few of the challenges associated withother small business start ups. They require minimal capital outlay, aregenerally low cost to operate and carry little risk.

what can i earn as a certified Life Coach?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (13)

You can certainly earn a decent living as a life coach!

Effective life coaches are in great demand. After all, they help people to achieve their goals and dreams, so why wouldn't they be?

Fees that life coaches chargevary dependent on experience, target market, client type and so on butmost coaches charge in the range of R350 to R1000 per session (SA currency). Sessions generally taking anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes (either face-to-face or via telephone/Zoom/Skype).

A life coach's operating costs are very low and income can be supplemented significantly by, for example, engaging in public speaking and running personal development workshops and/or webinars.

How would I go about finding clients?

Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (14)

Life coaching is very much a word-of-mouth business. If you provethat you can deliver great results for your clients, you'll never lackfor referrals ... and that is a coach's lifeblood!

When you first become a life coach and are just starting out, finding new clients can be a little more challenging.

Ifyou train with New Insights you'll be exposed to a number of practice clients, each one of which is likely to refer other friends andcolleagues to you, thereby helping to build your pipeline of clients.

New Insights also offers two other key advantages for life coaches who are just starting out:

  • An excellent Life Coach Directory website in which you can profile yourself and your services to the world;
  • Substantial, proven support to plan, promote and sustain a successful life coaching practice.


We've selected four articles from our Blog, New Insights On Life, that we think you may find useful as you contemplate whether and how to become a life coach. Click on the related image to be taken to the post.

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Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (15)


Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (16)


Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (17)


Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (18)

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Become a Life Coach. What it takes | New Insights Life Coach Training (2024)


What steps do I need to take to become a life coach? ›

There are no legal requirements to become a general life coach in California, so the best way to show your legitimacy to clients is by receiving certification from an agency. The best-known certification agency is The International Coach Federation (ICF), which offers different levels of life coach certification.

How long does it take to become a successful life coach? ›

Completing Life Coach Training

Once you enroll in a life coaching program, it typically takes you between 6-12 months to complete it. Some online training programs are flexible and allow you to complete the coursework in your own time. Others have live training sessions at specific times.

Why do you want to become a life coach? ›

Coaches usually experience great peace and satisfaction as they live in harmony with their values. Some of the values might include being of service to others, talking about the things that matter most, making a larger contribution to the world, and helping people achieve their dreams and goals.

What do you learn in life coach training? ›

Most schools cover basic psychology, and some offer practical experience or practic*ms that can teach you how to build relationships with new clients and how to assist them in defining their goals. Other courses might cover the ethical and philosophical aspects of coaching.

Can I start life coach without certification? ›

Yes, you can become a life coach without a certification because most niches are unregulated. The life coaching certification industry is unregulated, too, so by getting one, you won't get any officially recognized qualifications.

Can I teach myself to be a life coach? ›

Yes, you can teach yourself to be a life coach. There's no obligation to acquire formal education to become a life coach. However, formal training provides essential skills, frameworks, and ethical considerations that are important for effective life coaching.

Are life coaches in high demand? ›

Yes, there is demand for life coaches. After all, the coaching industry is a multi-billion dollar industry – and it's growing fast. According to IBIS World, there are 22,758 life coaches in the US. The life coaching market is a $1.4 billion market ad it's growing by 3.2% year over year.

Do life coaches make a lot of money? ›

What's a realistic income as a life coach? The national average salary is $67,800/year. Now, that's the average. Many life coaches make significantly more than that.

Is 60 too old to become a life coach? ›

The short and sweet answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I've worked with coaches of all ages, and I can tell you that age is not a defining factor of a fearless life coach. It's not even a consideration! In fact, being older gives you more life experiences and insights that you can utilize in your coaching.

What type of person needs a life coach? ›

You're facing a major transition

If you're about to change jobs, move to a new city or get out of a relationship, you need a life coach. You don't want to burn out your family and friends with discussions about your upcoming life changes, and you want to make your transition as easy as you can.

What are the main points of a life coach? ›

They might help you find a sense of purpose, develop your creativity, manage your stress, and overcome bad habits that are holding you back from reaching your goals. These coaches can provide general guidance, but they may also focus on specific areas such as dating, work, finances, fitness, and leadership.

What inspired me to become a coach? ›

You see your past hardships as powerful life lessons. “I got into coaching because of my own past trials, traumas and tribulations. I am a firm believer that we experience things in life because we're here to help others.

How to become a successful life coach? ›

Steps to Becoming a Life Coach
  1. Self-Reflection and Personal Development. ...
  2. Choose a Niche. ...
  3. Get Proper Training and Certification. ...
  4. Gain Practical Experience. ...
  5. Build Your Brand and Online Presence. ...
  6. Network and Collaborate. ...
  7. Market Your Services. ...
  8. Offer Value and Maintain Professionalism.
Sep 14, 2023

What to know before becoming a life coach? ›

Top Qualities and Skills you will need in order to learn how to Become a Life Coach
  • Curious.
  • Adept listeners.
  • Good verbal and written communicators.
  • Empathy.
  • Extreme care and love for helping others.
  • Skilled questioners.
  • Intuitive.

What skill does a life coach have? ›

Life coaches must be skilled at listening attentively and empathetically to their clients, understanding their needs, and responding appropriately.

What qualifications do you need to be a life coach? ›

As life coaching isn't a regulated profession, you don't need to have specific qualifications. However, if you're serious about becoming a life coach, consider taking specific training with providers accredited by coaching associations such as: Association for Coaching (AC)

What credentials do you need to be a life coach? ›

There are no federal or state-mandated educational or licensing requirements to become a life coach, but there is consensus in the industry on education and training: Completing a coach certificate program is highly recommended to be a successful coach and demonstrate your expertise to potential clients and employers.

What does it take to be a life skills coach? ›

Some common traits employers seek include: good communication skills, experience with disabled adults, organization and time management abilities, physical stability, mental health or counseling experience, teaching and mentoring training.

How do life coaches get paid? ›

Life coaches charge clients for their services. Typically, clients pay for their services at the end of a session. If the life coach works online, clients may pay them via bank transfer. The life coach may then arrange to pay the necessary taxes and other business expenses.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.